Wednesday, September 23, 2009

black velvet trees

I set out to climb the hill and reach the castle.. Through the forest that was magical in the daylight.
As i climbed higher, it got darker.. I thought about a lot of things to keep my mind off the scary trees that bent down and blocked the light..
I could hear bats screeching, i could hear wolfs howling...
I quickened my pace and started to run..
Suddenly, i tripped on a stone and went tumbling down.. down through the forest that screeched and howled..
My head was throbbing with pain and my legs were bruised..bleeding. I tried getting myself up but in vain.
The massive trees cut off the moonlight, so it took me a while to get used to my surroundings.
I moved my hands about the ground, it felt wet...I tried crawling myself to safety.
"HELP", i screamed, hoping someone would hear me.
I could hear nothing...
The silence sent shivers down my spine.

When my throat was sore from all the screaming, i heard footsteps...
They grew louder...
A ray of hope was just emerging when I looked up to spot a man with an axe!

Right then, I wondered if the black velvet trees were safer...